Im at destination one, 7 days into the trip. Though only a week deep I've definitely learned a few things, heated gear is going to be a must. I rolled into Denver wearing every layer I had brought, between this and periodic shots of whiskey, things were bearable. Before leaving Golden I put a call in to my cousin at Big Twin Motorcycles. Done, heated vest, be there Monday, Thanks Kevin.
I made some stops around Denver just killing time and taking photos before dropping my stuff off at Laurens. The plan was to pick her up at nine from the airport. Two hours later i'm too drunk to drive. Upon meeting Laurens roommate she asks two questions "do you like hip hop?", "do you like Wu Tang?". That's a yes and yes, I can tell we're going to get along. Drinks continue then off to the university for Lady Wu Tang. I'm so disappointed to have not taken any pictures, it was amazing.
Anyway i'm gonna continue walking around Denver, cheers